This week, Shiloh Phoenix shares her poem, which evokes deep, raw emotions about being a missionary kid. While we would love for everyone’s experience of growing up in a cross-cultural setting to be full of sunflowers, we know the reality can be pretty dark for some. If you can relate to this poem and feel alone and hopeless, please look at the resources after the bio. There are people who can listen and help you process the hurt and the pain.

"What is an MK"
by Shiloh Phoenix
I am not a person.
I am a summary of prayers
tied together with brown string
and sent across the world
for one purpose:
to provide rescue.
I am not a person.
I am a collection of dollar bills
stomped down together into
a walking and talking being
for one purpose:
to provide relief.
I am not a person.
I am a pile of jagged mirrors,
discarded clothing, stopped watches -
broken things with no place
except this one
to provide refuge.
I am not a person.
I am a failure failure failure
three times over, three lost chances
scraping together a story
for a future
I can't refuse.
Shiloh is a poet fiercely determined to face honesty even when it is uncomfortable. They grew up in Ghana and the USA.
Concourse: Online and In-Person Gatherings for ATCKs – Adult TCK Ministries
Counseling: Valeo
Coaching/Processing: Sheryl O’Bryan at Interaction International
Book: I Have to Be Perfect – Tim Sanford
Pod Cast: Pondering Purple, Podcast – Michele Phoenix